Distance Learning Professional Development
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, it is increasingly likely that the first half of the upcoming school year will need to be taught virtually, and perhaps even the second. This professional development course is designed to help educators become comfortable teaching their students via distance learning. It covers the broad landscape of distance learning then narrows in on the tools, tips and best practices to succeed with online learning. The PD training will be conducted virtually (online) using Zoom.
Online Teaching Methods
Delineate synchronous and asynchronous remote learning styles.
Tools of the Trade
Categorize and analyze the major tools for remote learning.
Create Curriculum
Create and teach your own remote course.
Tech Ed Professional Development
The TechLX Tech Ed Professional Development course covers the entire K-12 gamut but can be tailored for elementary, middle, or high school. It focuses heavily on which platforms and tools to use for various situations to achieve specific goals and also drills the peculiarities of writing lessons for project-based technology education. It comes in a 1, 2 or 3 day varietal, the longer workshop focusing more on curriculum development, the shorter focusing more on orientation to the tools. More specific topics are available upon request.