About Us

TechLX provides in-person, project-based technology education to the K-12 ecosystem through curriculum, instruction, and training. We help organizations integrate tech ed into their curricula as well as develop and teach elective, afterschool and summer programs. Our programs focus on robotics, coding, game development and makerspaces.

Our Vision

K-12 Students Learning Technology by Making



Every school teaching programming


Robotics competitions treated like sports


Engineering at the heart of STEM
Make Sign
Arduino Hacking

Our Mission

Technology is changing faster every day and the world along with it. We believe that to keep pace education must be connected to emerging industries. At TechLX we use our expertise, resources, and curriculum to bridge that gap. We funnel industry skills from technology and engineering into education, to properly equip our youth for the future.

TechLX Team

Zach Cuskelly

Zach Cuskelly

Founder, Strategy and Growth

Zach manages corporate operations while leading business development and marketing efforts. He previously worked at Salesforce, co-founded several startups and has several years of experience in the technology education sector.
Jordan Hart

Jordan Hart

Founder, Adviser

Jordan is a technologist and educator who advises TechLX on technology trends and decisions. He has a varied background from fullstack web development to devops, cloud training, and has been the CTO of a few startups.
Andrew Flye

Andrew Flye

Curriculum and Instruction

Andrew organizes, formalizes and designs the curriculum and teaching experiences. With almost a decade of college and public high school STEM teaching experience, he solidifies the education part of Technology Education.
Eris He

Eris He

Programming and Robotics Instructor

Eris is a maker and programmer with a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. She teaches and develops curriculum at our flagship program, and specializes in advanced engineering classes that leverage makerspaces.

Scott Kidd

Scott Kidd

Web, App, and Game Development Instructor

Scott is a programmer with experience at top tech companies, who loves education, and shares his passion for creative use of technology with our students. He focuses on upper level programming and CS courses. 

Baker Sharp

Baker Sharp

Javascript Developer and Instructor

Baker specializes in designing and teaching the Minecraft curriculum for TechLX. He is one of the primary developers of our VanillaMod Minecraft Modding Platform. Baker is currently studying computer science and information design.

Frequently Asked Questions

What programs do you offer?
We offer afterschool, summer and elective classes. We also host tech clubs, run professional development and install makerspaces.
What is your student / teacher ratio?
We average an 8:1 ratio or better.
What is the cost?
It varies by course and situation, but typically the cost is around $15/hr per student.
How long are the courses?
This also varies, but after school programs tend to be 20 hours, summer programs 30 hours, and elective courses 80 hours.
What other information is available?
Sample coursework, client list and references available upon request.

Have specific questions? Just ask!